Friday, July 26, 2019

Alaskan woods

Peace comes over me when I'm alone in the woods. 
Such power and strength in the standing trees.
The deeper I go the softer the ground beneath my feet.

The light is magical as it filters through the canopy, sharing a powerful secret with me.
I breathe deeply, taking in the gifts of another world,
So that I can call on them when I need them most in my everyday world.

Friday, July 5, 2019

couldn't resist

One last post before I leave for Alaska.
They were all alone.
Confused and concerned.
Where is mom?
Now I'm worried too, where is she? Why is she gone so long?

I discovered she had flown the coop, so to speak, 
and had landed with another small group of local ospreys fishing in a favorite spot at low tide. 
Quite honestly I think she needed a break. 
I didn't blame her actually, I remember that feeling.
Motherhood is exhausting.
The littles were so glad she came home. 

Thursday, July 4, 2019

on our way

We are leaving for Alaska.  

I'll be missing our beautiful shorebirds but look forward to meeting bald eagles and bears oh my.