Thursday, December 31, 2015

the road needs to be traveled

I don't know where it's going to take me but I'm headed down the road. I may take a hard right and wander in the woods for awhile but I'll soon rediscover the worn treads of the path. The sun will warm my back and the shade will be a welcome relief from the intensity of the sun. I will become lost among the grasses before I disappear around the bend in the road.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tully has a thought

David is my friend, he gave us this red thing. He loves me and Mom loves the red thing. She carries it around and takes pictures of it. This time she promised me a cookie if I would sit still. I'll do anything for a cookie so I sat still. I'm waiting for David to come back so I can sit still next to him, I like him better than this red thing.
I just had another thought, if I sit next to the front door I'll get a cookie from the big brown truck. This sitting stuff works really well, only problem is that I don't fit into my winter coat anymore.

Monday, December 21, 2015

playdate with myself

I have worked pretty hard preparing for Christmas and sometimes I forget to play.
So last night I sat in front of the fireplace and used my iPhone slow shutter app and lost myself in a flower arrangement.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

a feathery couple

They are enjoying the view after breakfast at the feeder.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

pulling away

The tides have tugged the bay away from the shore leaving wet rocks and slippery footing. The sun is setting leaving a fleeting memory of itself on the reflective waters of Oyster Bay. Another day gone, did you spend it well?

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Somedays are like this, especially at this time of year.

Monday, December 14, 2015

daily event

She is looking out over the bay while waiting for him to finish at the feeder. 

And he is waiting for me to take the dog inside so he can continue scouring the ground for sunflower seeds under the feeder.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

I live here

I live in a garden where I'm loved. I spend time on the feeder and bathe in the water pools left for me in carved out rocks. We are a large diverse family, I share this space with so many others who look nothing like me. Many of us have feathers in common, we do love to fly. But some prefer to scoot along the ground nibbling on our fallen sunflower seeds. Next year a group of us have decided to grow our own crop of sunflowers, right here under the feeder. Good idea don't you think? We are good little farmers and we are happy here. I hope you're happy where you are. Chirp

Friday, December 11, 2015

on being

It is a busy time of year and this contemplative blue jay reminds me to stop and take in the view. He sat in the grass for a long time just looking around and being. I particularly like the just "being" part. You have to be present in order to do that.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Tully's view

This is what I saw the other night when we were walking around the point.

I always wonder what Tully sees, so I played with some filters and came up with this. Do you think she sees things that we don't see? I know that she smells more for sure!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

sunrise over the nook

Time is of the essence. The light changes so fast and I see so many images contained in one sweeping vista. My 24-70mm lens is my first go to lens.

Then I love my 100-400 mm to create vignettes. The tripod is crucial in this low light.

The sky has fallen into the nook.

Monday, December 7, 2015

She left home

She deserves some kind of credit. 
I put the leash on her in the late part of the afternoon for a winter walk into the village. I wore sunglasses when we left and soon realized my mistake as the sun sunk lower and lower behind the town. She galloped along so happy to smell new smells, to sink her nose into the dried leaves, to stop and smell the roses, well maybe not the roses.... We wandered like two explorers peaking into lighted windows, wondering about their lives, well I was wondering, she was still smelling. We crossed streets and zig zagged in neighborhoods, I imagined their 
life behind closed doors and she, well she mostly smelled.  Smells are really good in other people's neighborhoods. Then we finished our trek by visiting great grandma in the assisted living home, Tully really loves the smells there. 
We woofed and hugged and called Brad to come get us, by now the sun had set and we were finished. I think she deserves some kind of credit don't you, for being willing to just go....

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Squirrel time

I never cared about squirrels until a
mom decided to raise her six littles in the hole in one of the trees that frame our view. At dusk they would come out to play and I would watch them learn how to hop and fly among the branches. Often a comedic event as they crashed into each other and ran for cover with every passing feather sighting.

This is mom escaping the nest to come out to groom and otherwise have  a bit of quiet time.