Sunday, November 27, 2016

a play date

They came again this morning in even larger numbers. I was dressed and ready for them, no more running around in my white nightgown grabbing my iPhone and camera in my bare feet in very cold weather. Nope not for me this morning. I wore layers of warm black and romped out there with them, ready to have a play date. They were loud and busy and everywhere. I hope these 2 little videos captures their spirit. I noticed on the last video that they went totally silent just before taking to the sky again. I don't think you can tell when you watch but trust me on that observation. 

1 comment:

  1. Phyllis, When I lived in Huntsville, the migrating starlings were so thick that it would take 30-40 minutes for them to reach their roosts; solid black in the sky.Now that I am on the migration path for "more attractive" birds, I get out and watch in my "light colored" dress. Happy Thanksgiving (week). Nick Shields
