Tuesday, March 7, 2017


I've been home from Cuba for three days now and I haven't been able to share my images with you because I'm overwhelmed with my inner dialogue. I have over 900 photographs. Yes, I will cull them down to a few hundred and then from there a smaller number. But for now I study them and try to sort out how I feel about Cuba. It seems I am unable to express the complexity of what I've experienced. Until just now when I came upon my photograph of this bird in a cage in Cuba. She is beautiful and proud and has settled inside these bars that define her world. She didn't ask to be there but that is where she is.  The song in her heart will be released one way or the other. What will happen if the latch is released, will the flight be a soaring celebration, or will it be filled with danger and peril? 
This captive bird has helped me find the way to share my images with you. I'll start tomorrow...

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