Monday, February 17, 2020

A true yogi

Get a cup of tea and put your feet up, I have a story to tell.
Meet Clyde, he is a yogi.

This is where he practices yoga, or should I say where he teaches yoga.

He waits by the steps every morning to make sure we show up on time.
Clyde is a stickler when it comes to being on time.

He checks his reflection as he reflects on his own inner strength. 
He is strong and flexible.
Check out his feet.

He likes to greet the friends he's made along the way of becoming real.

This is where he teaches us to breathe.

Clyde makes sure all the props are in place.

First asana, downward bird.

But as a true yogi his heart is in the trees, in the place where life seems the best,
 among the wild things.

But before he leaves he reminds us to be kind and love ourselves so we can love others.
He is a very beautiful vulture, inside and out.

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