Saturday, September 5, 2020

where have I been?


You won't find my camera here but you'll see my continued 
love of all things bird and color.
I've been painting and cutting and pasting and just plain having fun.
I have very little confidence in what I do when I sit at this painting table.
It's been a study on being vulnerable for sure.
I'm learning to let go and have fun and forget about outcome. 
I just lied, I do still care about the outcome.
So I continue to try and try again....

However on the other side of the studio lives my confidence and my heart. 
This I can do and I can do it well.

The difference for me now is that when I sit on the rock by the river 
I see a photograph and I see a painting.
One of these I can do.... the other not so much...
It's time for me to go back to the other side of the studio and play some more.

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