Sunday, June 23, 2019

Life on the Bay

Meet the newest family on the bay. There are two littles in this nest and I'm guessing they are about a week old, maybe not even. Mom is calm and my presence in the kayak doesn't seem to really bother her. I'm quiet and far away, remember I have a big lens.

I love the baby's long neck. So gangly and sweet.

Meet the other family around the point from our house. This one is much older than the other little in the other nest across the bay. See the difference in the neck, this one is fuller and has more developed feathers. Not sure about the sex but believe it's a male. 
Now comes the exciting part, getting these littles ready for their 2500 mile migration to South America that they will have to do in a few short months.

Our nest will remain empty but perhaps the littles will discover it and use it to feed on a fish when they fledge. I can hope anyway. I'm so happy there is life on the Bay, I'll keep you posted. 

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